Sunday, July 20, 2008

To my kids...

As I sit hear and listen to you all play I can't help but get a heavy heart. You won't be mine forever, and in all reality you are not mine to begin with. You are His. This is a concept I know will struggle with all your lives. It's hard to imagine that someone would have a greater plan for your life than I do, but He does.

It's a bittersweet thing bringing up children. I become so full of pride watching you all grow and navigate this life in your own way, and at the same time I yearn to keep you small. I can't help but feel a mix of emotions at the years that have sprinted by.

Micah did you know you saved Mommy and Daddy from a life of reckless living? Because you were born we became better people. I know God gave you to us for that reason. When you were a baby and you were so sick and tiny we would worry about you, and yet every morning was full of smiles because your eyes were so big and blue, your hair would stand on end, and your head looked way too big for your sweet little body. As you got older we watched you become a friend to all you met. You knew, and you still do that everyone wanted to be your friend. I love that about you. For your birthday we gave you a giant Lego's thing to put together, it was for ages 13-17...You spent hours on it, with me only helping to find parts. You finished it in 2 and a half days, your dad and I were dumbstruck. You are so good at being patient. I pray for you that you would grow into the man you so long to be, and more. God's plans for you are immeasurable.

Christian when you were born you didn't want to cry. The nurses were rubbing your feet and chest, but you kept closing your eyes and wanting to sleep. I had a feeling while I was watching that once you made up your mind you'd do what you want. I wasn't too far off. You are such a good boy! Ever since you were a baby you'd like to be right next to Micah. You were such a happy baby! We didn't think you could talk until we took your Binky away, as soon as we did a flood of words came tumbling out. You amazed us. You continue to do that with the way you have that natural ability to pick up a ball of start a game and be great at what it is you're doing. You are also very good at making people laugh, especially Brielle. She loves to giggle with you, and we all love watching it. I know that God has instilled a drive for success in your heart, and if you continue to pursue Him He'll take you places you could only begin to imagine.

Brielle while I am writing this you have come over to yell at me. I can't help but smile. You are 13 months and getting your top teeth in, I'm sure that it hurts. You are also trying to summon the courage to walk on your own. I know that any day you'll be off and running. This past year of having you in our lives has been such a blessing. When you were born everyone in the room cried, it was as if we all knew how precious you are from second one. Sometimes at night I sneak in your room and watch you sleep. Lately you've been laying flat on your tummy with your face in the mattress, it makes your daddy laugh. You love music and it moves you to sway. It's like you know the meaning behind the song, Grandma Julie thinks it's so sweet. God's hand has been on you since before I met you. You've brought such joy to our whole family.

New baby Solberg my what a surprise you were! I can't wait to see your little face and get to know you. A lot of people are anxious for you to be here. Everyone is trying to guess if you will be a boy or girl. Mommy and Daddy are having a hard time coming up with a name that is just yours. I know God will give us one soon. Less than a month and you'll be here...I'm ready to see you now, but your lungs need more time, and I know you do too. I have so enjoyed this pregnancy! I know that I will enjoy you a trillion times more. I thank God for you!

I love you all more than you'll ever know...And it's hard to imagine He loves you more than I, but He does and so I pray His blessings and His will over all your lives.

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