Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Chickens, Birthdays, & Alligators

Yesterday was a very busy day for our family. Micah turned 7! It's weird to think he's becoming a boy...no longer a baby. Of course he'll always be MY baby, but it's strange to watch the transition from toddler to big boy. I have to admit I get a little weepy. At least once a week he is telling me his plans for the future....I start becoming a little prideful because all his plans involve telling people about Jesus, and how He died just for them. I pray this is the path for his life, not an easy one, but an adventurous one.
We have our sweet friend Simon over for a few days. I think all three boys are in heaven! They have kept themselves busy with chasing chickens, playing monster tether, pirates, and some games I couldn't even begin to describe because the rules change by the minute, per Christian.:)
Yesterday we took the boys to the pool, and alligator farm. The alligator farm is not really a farm, it's a pen with 3 gators, but it's cool never the less. We swam for a couple of hours, and then it was back home for Lego cake, and opening presents. The birthday parties this year are simple, but it's showing me the kids are good with simple...Which is great for me!
It's been fun trying to keep up with these energy filled boys...We'll have to do this more often!

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