Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Busy teething baby

Today was a long day for Mommy and Brielle. She is suffering from diarrhea, which gave her a diaper rash which is all due to cutting her top teeth, so she is in some pain too. Today was all about trying different ways to keep her comfortable. She had a Popsicle, a frozen waffle, pain reliever, and her family trying to make her laugh at every turn.

The boys haven't quite mastered the art of baby interaction, but they sure are trying hard. Christian loves to make her laugh, but has a tendency to over do it when it comes to knowledge of personal space. Micah would rather she sit quietly with him and watch TV. He can't understand why that is too much to ask for a 1 year old. I just let them give it the old college try until Brielle can't take it anymore, or I can't watch anymore.

So I allowed Brille to crawl around naked for awhile, because of the diaper rash, then we spent some time doing her hair. For the first time it's in piggy tails. She knew she looked pretty cute. The pictures are the day's highlights....I won't subject you to the low lights. :)

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