Saturday, December 12, 2009

Live Nativity

Last night the boys had their Live Nativity at their school.  Micah was a solider, that looked like a rooster and Christian was an angel, same as last year.  It was a sweet and beautiful show that again captured the preciousness of the birth of Christ.  I was only able to get a few pictures of the boys because Micah took off with his friends.  The boys did a great job and had a lot of fun so did the girls and Brielle made sure to cheer after almost every song.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cookies...for the glory of God?

I made cookies tonight, for all the wrong reasons.  No I did not make them so I alone could eat myself into a sugar induced coma, although I would like to put that on my bucket list.  I made them because a mother from my kid's school probably thinks I won't.  Let me start at the beginning.  Over a month ago I was chewed out by a mother of my son's classmate in front of a group of people because I did not help out with the boy's school fundraiser.  I tried explaining to her that I had four kids and I was going to school and really at my full capacity, but I was accused of saying my time was more precious than hers.  I won't go into detail but the experience was to say at the very least humiliating.  *Side-note* Brad helped a lot the night of the fundraiser and told more than one person to grab him or I if extra help was needed, this was not taken into consideration.  

Anyway since then I have had run-in's with the Mom and her associates I know I am making it sound like she is apart of the mafia, she is not, however I have gotten the cold shoulder and been ignored on several occasions by several people in regards to this situation.  Did I mention my kids go to a Christian school?  Oh yes apparently God's Amazing Grace only covers those who help out.  Can you tell I am still hurt?  I have really been trying to lay this whole situation to rest but it became abundantly clear to me tonight that I am not trying that hard.  That's where the cookies come in, and also a swift kick in the pants from God, it did not hurt...well maybe my pride.

These cookies are for the boy's school Live Nativity.  So I started making them tonight and as I was making them I was daydreaming about showing up with my perfect cookies and acting sweet and humble in front of this certain person so she would feel guilty about treating me bad.  I even had a sugar coated southern accent to make myself seem sweeter.  I felt as though I heard a whisper that said; "You can act humble and sweet but if that's not in your heart, people WILL see through it."  I choose to ignore that piece of advice and continue on to my next daydream about getting into a fight with her...yes I fight with people in daydream.  I know I'm not the only one. And yes I know it's crazy, but sometimes therapeutic and I tend to clean a lot during these arguments. So back to my argument I was just about to give her what for when the whisper came back to me and said: "Why are you making these cookies anyway?"  That stopped me.  I looked at my boys having so much fun helping me and I realized I had missed out on the fun with them because of my daydream fights.  I also missed the whole point of making the cookies.  "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."  1 Corinthians 10:31  I was to make them for the glory of God, not the glory of myself.  Making cookies for God's glory may seem dumb to some, but for me it lessens my propensity to be prideful.  

After my revelation I made the rest of the batch and they turned out perfect...all of them I did not burn a single one, amazing. I will bring them to the school on Friday, happily,  humbly, quietly, and for only He who delights in me. 

I made more than four, but I just wanted to show how pretty they are.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

6 months later...

Ok it has occurred to me that I have not updated this in waaaaaaaay to long. I would like to say I was out saving lives, but I really wasn't, however technically because I have toddlers I was. I would also like to say that I was becoming a world traveler and taking my kids on culturally enriched excursions, but I wasn't. No I have been putting this off for sometime simply because I have been overwhelmed. So I am going to get caught up from here on out...hopefully.

Christian, Micah, and their best friend Simon.

10 family events since last post:

1. The kids and Dannielle drove to Minnesota to visit GrandPaul, GrAmy and kids.
2. Dannielle and kids drive from Minnesota to Stanley, ND to visit Grandma and Grandpa V.
3. Solberg Family Reunion at Fort Peck
4. Dannielle's Grandpa Reuben (kid's called him Grandpa the Great) went to be with Jesus...bittersweet.
5.Ruthie turned 1!!!
6. Dannielle started school
7. Brad started school on-line
8. Christian started Kindergarten
9. Micah started 2nd grade
10. Thanksgiving in Boise with Grandma and Papa(Vachal)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A date, a watcher, and a small harvest.

Brad and I went out on a date on Monday.  The kids and myself are going out of town for 3 weeks so Brad and I are trying to steal all the moments we can, it's not easy.  We went out to dinner and talked about plans for the future, how time is slipping away quicker than we realize, and where we would like to be years down the road.  Of course I started talking politics and Brad listened quietly.  He's pretty good about letting me have my say.
Waiting for our fajitas to arrive!
After dinner we walked down to the canyon.  We've lived here for two years and had never really gone to look at it.  It really is amazing!  I got some pictures of us by the bridge that goes over the canyon.
We don't get many "couple" pictures.
The other day the three "big" kids were playing outside and I started to hear Ruthie squeal.  I thought maybe one of them had let her out.  When I walked to the back door I found her watching the older ones play.  I know that she wanted to be out there, but she also seemed very content to be watching from the safety of the indoors.  In here there are no dogs trying to lick breakfast off her face, and no kitties trying to rub on her and play with her hands, (they get a little rough), and no scary chickens walking over to her to see what she is.  She stood there for quite some time and would occasionally scream and coo.  Micah and Christian caught on and started preforming for her, she loved it. 
Awhile ago I showed posted the garden we planted.  Well everyday since that day Christian has checked it to see if anything has grown.  Of course it's been torture because he can't understand why plants aren't producing right after we put them in the ground.  Well the day of harvest finally came!  Two strawberries were ripe and ready to go.  First thing this morning he was up at 7:30 going out to make sure they were still there.  As soon as I got up he was asking me if we could go pick them.  I used his excitment to my advantage and gave him some chores he had to finish before we picked the fruit.  I've never seen him work so fast!  Micah, Christian and I went out to the garden and they plucked the small, but ripened strawberries.  They were so proud!  We came in and washed them off and the boys goobled them up, in one bite of course.  If two small strawberries were this big of hit I can't wait to see what happens when the tomatos ripen.
I had to throw this last one in.  Ruthie fell asleep while Brad was working on the computer...what peace she finds in his arms!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Brad's surpise party!!

I invited a few friends out to dinner and a birthday party for Brad, of course he knew none of this so it added to my excitment.  I had our friend Dan pick brad up and bring him to the resturant.  Brad had not one clue that we were there. 
Terry & Jay
Monica, baby Macy, and Kami
Jen & John
Susie, Brielle, & Stacey
Kami & Dan (my helper)
Marcus & Amber
After the party we went to La Fiesta for a margarita and adult time.  Brad got the La Fiesta "kool-aid" a very gross, very alcohol filled drink.  He also got a beard of whipped cream. (see below)
Marcus was also included in on the fun!
It was a wonderful evening!  I love celebrating my husband who is a helper with the kids and around the house.  I know that I am not always great at telling him but I do appreciate all he does!

Friday, June 12, 2009

A little time.

The kids are eating lunch so I have a little time for some actual word blogging and not just pictures. We seem to be so busy lately and yet at the same time I feel like I get nothing done, it can be a little defeating at times. :)

Today is Brielle's birthday, she's two and I'm feeling like she can't be that old, and at the same time that she's been with us always. Brad stopped at home for lunch and brought her a My Little Pony doll. Upon recieving it she said: "Ooooo a horehee!" She really likes opening cards and gifts. We are not having a big party for her this year because let's be honest, she doesn't have a clue what's going on, and forgive me, but she won't remember it anyway. I know the boys got way bigger parties at this age, but looking back I probably should have scaled back, well better late than never.
Ok I know she look like a feral child, but it is her birth day and she wanted to "pay" (play) outside.  So she is covered in dirt, but at least I got her nose wiped...kinda.

Tonight we are having a surprise party for Brad's 30th. I think he might know, but he is being gracious and allowing me to think that he doesn't. Either way I'm looking forward to it. I made him a dinosaur cake lovingly titled: "You're a dinosaur".
On a heavier note I am asking for prayers for Brad's cousin.  Out of respect for her privacy I don't want to go into detail, but she has a heavy heart and I know that the Lord is the only one who will be able to restore it.  She is a wonderful, sweet woman and I know that right now she needs prayer warriors.  If you call or e-mail me I will give you her name so you can pray for her by that, but God is pretty big so I'm sure if you said Brad's cousin He would know. :)
I'll update tomorrow with party pictures and stories!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Rain, rain, here to stay...

We have had a lot of spring weather these past few days.  The heat left and the cool came for a visit.  The kids have been having fun playing in the rain so I got a few pictures of them outside.  The only tears that were shed were when Brielle walked through the rain that was coming off the roof onto the porch.  We also had a great rainbow right outside our door.  Micah begged us to go look for the end of it.  We tried to explain why we couldn't, but he didn't believe us.
Brad and me after he got home from basketball.
The boys in the rain
If you look closely you can see it's double rainbow.
That rain is a little cold.
It's better with a rain coat.
We are watching our friend's cat for awhile, but I'm not sure they are getting him back.  Brielle and him have become close friends and now he follows her where ever she goes.  She loves him and the fact the he doesn't bite or scratch her is even better! 

Brielle got a new dress for her 2nd birthday from Grandma Julie.  Yes we opened it a little early! :)
This morning we met my Mom for breakfast at McDonalds.  She was on her way to Montana and we were happy to steal a few moments.

Brielle telling Grandma how great the food is.
She just dumped her hashbrown on the floor.
Grandma and the kids