Saturday, July 12, 2008

Poker, plastic hats, & monster tether ball

These past few day been quite the mix of imagination and laughter. The boys were playing in their room and I peeked in on them because I didn't quite trust the quiet that seemed to seep from their room. When I opened the door I encountered what looked like a tea party with them, and several stuffed animals. However I knew better so I had to ask what they were doing, the reply: "Oh we're having poker night." I shut the door, smiled, and ran to get the camera.

Last night Brielle showed her creativity and grabbed a tupperware dish and used it as a hat. At one point she brought it down over her face and then pulled it back to give herself pig-nose. She crawled around with that tupperware on her head for a good half hour, until it was time for supper. Then the boys broke out their new monster tether ball, that GrandPaul gave them. They are having a blast with it. I don't think they stop laughing the whole time they are playing.

Right now the house is very peaceful the boys are cleaning their room, Brielle is napping, and Brad just got in from working outside. It's going to be a good day.

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