Saturday, October 18, 2008

A little quieter at the farm

Well it's definitely a little quieter at the farm tonight, OK it's a lot quieter! :) Out of our 10 chickens we had 4 roosters, and the cock-a-doodle-do's were nonstop. So we made the decision that Brad would butcher the three most aggressive ones today. Micah called them the Three Rooskateers, and I named them The Three Tenors. (We named them today so there was no attachment.) The boys decided that they didn't want to help Brad as much as they did with the last butchering, so he was pretty much on his own. One of the times they did check on him he had just cut one of the roosters heads off and it got away from him and ran. Brad let them know the rooster was dead it was the nerves that were making it run. The boys kept saying; "Wow those are some nerves!"

Brielle showed us a new trick today. She has taught herself to climb up the boys slide in their bedroom. I got shots of all the action! She's pretty proud!

The Three Rooskateers
The Lone Rooster (Loner)
And she's off!
Almost there!
Keep going!Victory!!


angela said...

So cute. Your daughter, not the roosters.

Dannielle said...

Thank you! Although the rooster runs to me when I call...cute or weird?