Tuesday, August 10, 2010

He turned 9...

Well I am way behind in my blogging but at least I am getting it done at some point...right?  Hahaha!  I know excuses excuses!  We last month Micah turned 9...oh man that is hard to type and say.  He will be a 3rd grader this year, which is another thing that chokes me up.  I can't believe my sweet feather-haired baby is a big boy.
So for his birthday we decided to have a backyard water party which basically equates to a bunch of boys (and one sweet girl) running around like crazy people.  The day started out with a swim meet and my Mom came up to help with watching girls and containing the chaos. It was a great day...

Micah is the one in the middle with the cap.

The birthday crew!

Decorating cupcakes!

Whole bunch of candles in 2 small cupcakes!

He begged to clean up the streamers...

Birthday boy enjoying some of his loot.

Dear Micah,
Wow nine years seems like a breathe, a fleeting moment I would like to rewind and hold you a little bit longer.  I wonder when the last was that I did pick you up?  What a handsome, funny, smart, young man you are!  I love to watch you talk about your Savior and see the heart you have for telling people about Him.  You are so amazing and your dad and I pray that your hunger for knowledge and a deeper relationship with Him only increases.  You have this incredible knack for drawing people in, I am amazed at the amount of kids who stop by our house so anxious to play with you.  Amazed, but not surprised because you are so fun!  We love you Micah and I hope I can remember to slow things down and snuggle with you a little longer.  We love you so!
Mom and Dad

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