Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cookies...for the glory of God?

I made cookies tonight, for all the wrong reasons.  No I did not make them so I alone could eat myself into a sugar induced coma, although I would like to put that on my bucket list.  I made them because a mother from my kid's school probably thinks I won't.  Let me start at the beginning.  Over a month ago I was chewed out by a mother of my son's classmate in front of a group of people because I did not help out with the boy's school fundraiser.  I tried explaining to her that I had four kids and I was going to school and really at my full capacity, but I was accused of saying my time was more precious than hers.  I won't go into detail but the experience was to say at the very least humiliating.  *Side-note* Brad helped a lot the night of the fundraiser and told more than one person to grab him or I if extra help was needed, this was not taken into consideration.  

Anyway since then I have had run-in's with the Mom and her associates I know I am making it sound like she is apart of the mafia, she is not, however I have gotten the cold shoulder and been ignored on several occasions by several people in regards to this situation.  Did I mention my kids go to a Christian school?  Oh yes apparently God's Amazing Grace only covers those who help out.  Can you tell I am still hurt?  I have really been trying to lay this whole situation to rest but it became abundantly clear to me tonight that I am not trying that hard.  That's where the cookies come in, and also a swift kick in the pants from God, it did not hurt...well maybe my pride.

These cookies are for the boy's school Live Nativity.  So I started making them tonight and as I was making them I was daydreaming about showing up with my perfect cookies and acting sweet and humble in front of this certain person so she would feel guilty about treating me bad.  I even had a sugar coated southern accent to make myself seem sweeter.  I felt as though I heard a whisper that said; "You can act humble and sweet but if that's not in your heart, people WILL see through it."  I choose to ignore that piece of advice and continue on to my next daydream about getting into a fight with her...yes I fight with people in daydream.  I know I'm not the only one. And yes I know it's crazy, but sometimes therapeutic and I tend to clean a lot during these arguments. So back to my argument I was just about to give her what for when the whisper came back to me and said: "Why are you making these cookies anyway?"  That stopped me.  I looked at my boys having so much fun helping me and I realized I had missed out on the fun with them because of my daydream fights.  I also missed the whole point of making the cookies.  "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."  1 Corinthians 10:31  I was to make them for the glory of God, not the glory of myself.  Making cookies for God's glory may seem dumb to some, but for me it lessens my propensity to be prideful.  

After my revelation I made the rest of the batch and they turned out perfect...all of them I did not burn a single one, amazing. I will bring them to the school on Friday, happily,  humbly, quietly, and for only He who delights in me. 

I made more than four, but I just wanted to show how pretty they are.

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