Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Getting it all in before Christmas!

We have been on the go these last couple days. I wanted to get this out before Christmas so I won't have the length be triple in size.

The boys were getting Brielle to copy them. I know they love feeling like big kids when she decides to look up to them.

The boys decided it would be fun to jump over the clothes basket, so I snapped a few of them in mid air. They had a lot of fun!

The kids had a Live Nativity they were in for their school. It was very sweet. The school had recorded the kids singing and narrating the Nativity story and they acted it out complete with live animals. I got choked up at times watching the sweetness of the story of Christ's arrival to this world. What a way for a King to arrive...quietly and really only the Shepherd's in the fields being aware that their savior had finally arrived. The school did such a beautiful job of putting this together. I forgot my camera so my gracious friend Maxine snapped some pictures of the kids for me. Thanks Maxine!
Micah as one of the towns people.

Christian was in the "multitudes". This is him by some of the stable animals.

Ruthie trying to stay warm.

We took a trip into Boise to see family and friends and also pick up a truck for Wes. Brad had to head straight back home to ref basket ball games, but the kids and I stayed behind and visited. We were blessed with a snow storm and the boys headed out with Simon to build a snowman.

They used ores for shovels.

After fun in the snow they got to play in the hot tub...I'm sure they were miserable.

Micah, Simon, Christian

Simon's big sis Hailey dumping snow on the boy's.

This is Hailey...she didn't want me taking any pictures...so I did!

The kids and I also visited my family, and we got a bonus because Drew flew into town for his break.
My Mom and Drewyn.

Grandma and Ruthie

Kisses for Drew

Kisses for Papa

Helping Drew with his computer.

Posing in front of the Christmas tree.

When we got back into town we stopped at Brad's Great Aunt Marilyn's house for dinner. It's nice having family here.

Micah, Josh, Sue, Ruthie, Christian, Marilyn, Brielle, Dennis, and Mary.

Solomon came home covered in burrs yesterday...I've been trying to cut them out...not easy.

We woke up to a lot of beautiful snow. This is the back side of our house looking at the shed and coop.
The front yard.

The dogs begging to come in...I let them. :)

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