Friday, October 24, 2008

Light sabers, grape juice, and friends

What a week! It's seem like we have been going non-stop! Although I'm pretty sure there are a few days in there that I refused to get out of my pajamas. I feel sorry for Brad on days like those. I'm surprised I haven't developed a permanent imprint of my pj's on my body. I love them, they are an article of clothing that I really can do anything in without the worry of ruin, stain, or the kids catching sight of my underwear, i.e. low rise pants and motherhood were never meant to meet.

Anyway back to our week. Our good friends came over for dinner, and Amber cut Micah and Christian's hair, they had school pictures. I have her cut their hair when it's picture time, I don't want the hack job that I could potentially create to be caught on film forever. One time I told my mom I could cut hair so she gave me a go at my brother's hair...I am pretty sure we both cried. OK back to our week. What is so wonderful about or friends is all the kids get along so well, even the big kids.

Micah(7), Gabbie(10), Christian(5), Trevor(16) video games are hypnotizing

Carli(13) texting...What else is there to do? :)

Brad got really dressed-up for our friends...they were impressed, you should be too!

(See picture below)

The kids and I went shopping for a winter jacket for Brielle. I really don't like paying full price for anything, but I am able to justify it a little more when I know Ruthie is going to use it, plus the stuff was marked down a little. Brielle wasn't to happy with me when I put her hat, coat, and mittens on her when we got home. I'm pretty sure she was toasty, but it's hard to feel sorry for her when she looks so cute!

That night my wonderful friend Amber, and her daughter Gabbie came over. Amber was helping me plunge into the wonderful world of canning. I have to say I kind of like the feeling of being "Laura Ingalls", Little House is a very inspiring show. Anyway we made and canned grape fun! What a feeling of accomplishment! Although it's not hard it is fulfilling.

My sweet friend Amber taking care of grapes.

We are so proud of the juice! And yes I am in pj's!

While we were canning the kids decided to go all out Star Wars, and we had the light saber fight of the century in our living room. Even Brielle got in on the act. Ruthie decided it was better to sleep in dad's arm. I caught the epic battle with my camera, I'm not sure if there were sides. I think it was every man for himself.

Watch out Esther!

Tonight we had family night. We decided since we had a coupon we would go out to eat. In all my life I never thought one coupon would determine if I went out to dinner or stayed home, of course I also swore up and down I would never drive a mini-van, and now I wouldn't drive without one. It's funny how having a couple kids humbles one opinion of themselves. I am not so proud anymore. :)

Ready for a night out!

Kisses for her date

We clean up nice!

The night ended with a sword fight. No light sabers this time, I think we were in medieval times. Brielle again was right in the middle.

1 comment:

Mamie said...

OMG! You look absolutely beautiful! Look how skinny! You have to tell me your trick. Since being diagnosed with celiac I can't lose any weight! Sorry it has been so long since I've called, I think about it at least a few times a week but something, or someone, always gets in my way! I promise Ruthie really does have a present coming, I just have to get it made! ;-)