Thursday, July 3, 2008

Cream of Wheat mornings

This morning was a morning we all got to sleep in, except of course for Christian. He likes to wake up before everyone and get extra TV time. We don't allow him to play video games in the morning anymore because he gets to rowdy and starts jumping around and yelling at the game. It's not a pleasant thing to wake up to. Micah, Brielle, and I took our time waking up which felt great. No rush to be anywhere. The first thing out of Christian's mouth when he sees me is; "Can I play video games now?" after I say no he follows it up with; "I'm hungry." Part of me is tempted to say; "Well do something about it.", but since the kids get themselves breakfast most mornings I offer to make Cream of Wheat, a family favorite.

As I start breakfast I hear Micah get up, and then Brielle. I get her and snuggle her in with the boys and they all watch cartoons while breakfast is cooking. After eating, their bellies full of warm cereal and brown sugar they try retreating back to cartoons, but I remind them that there are chores to be done. They have to let the chickens, and the dogs out, and make sure everyone has food. Not too hard, but they think it is, and they are pretty sure being a chicken farmer is one of the hardest jobs ever. I don't have the heart to tell them otherwise. They are now all watching cartoons again, oblivious to me running around getting things ready for the 4th. We are going to decorate a float tonight, and tomorrow morning they might be in the parade. All they really want to do is light fireworks, it makes for a long day. :)

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