Waiting for our fajitas to arrive!
After dinner we walked down to the canyon. We've lived here for two years and had never really gone to look at it. It really is amazing! I got some pictures of us by the bridge that goes over the canyon.
We don't get many "couple" pictures.
The other day the three "big" kids were playing outside and I started to hear Ruthie squeal. I thought maybe one of them had let her out. When I walked to the back door I found her watching the older ones play. I know that she wanted to be out there, but she also seemed very content to be watching from the safety of the indoors. In here there are no dogs trying to lick breakfast off her face, and no kitties trying to rub on her and play with her hands, (they get a little rough), and no scary chickens walking over to her to see what she is. She stood there for quite some time and would occasionally scream and coo. Micah and Christian caught on and started preforming for her, she loved it.
Awhile ago I showed posted the garden we planted. Well everyday since that day Christian has checked it to see if anything has grown. Of course it's been torture because he can't understand why plants aren't producing right after we put them in the ground. Well the day of harvest finally came! Two strawberries were ripe and ready to go. First thing this morning he was up at 7:30 going out to make sure they were still there. As soon as I got up he was asking me if we could go pick them. I used his excitment to my advantage and gave him some chores he had to finish before we picked the fruit. I've never seen him work so fast! Micah, Christian and I went out to the garden and they plucked the small, but ripened strawberries. They were so proud! We came in and washed them off and the boys goobled them up, in one bite of course. If two small strawberries were this big of hit I can't wait to see what happens when the tomatos ripen.
I had to throw this last one in. Ruthie fell asleep while Brad was working on the computer...what peace she finds in his arms!